Navigating the diverse roles within the HeyPros platform ensures streamlined operations and effective collaboration. Each permission level is designed with specific access and functionalities in mind. Let's break down these roles:
1. Admin Account:
The Admin account holds overarching control, with complete access to every feature and functionality in the system. It is responsible for the primary management and setup of the entire company.
2. Managers:
Managers are responsible for specific locations and can be in charge of one or more locations.
For work order management, managers have direct access to the orders related to their active location. To access work orders from another location they oversee, they need to switch to that location.
3. Project Managers:
Project Managers primarily handle work orders they initiate. Managers can assign additional work orders to them, allowing Project Managers to oversee orders they didn't create.
4. Attached Contractors:
These contractors are linked to specific locations. They can access both private and publicly published work orders. When a private work order arises in their location, it can be assigned directly to them.
5. Unattached Contractors:
Unlike Attached Contractors, Unattached ones aren't tied to a specific location. Their main focus is on publicly published work orders, which they can pick up.
In summary, the HeyPros platform's permission levels are designed to ensure clear roles and responsibilities. Whether you're an admin, manager, project manager, or contractor, understanding your specific permissions and access is essential for efficient operations and collaboration within the system.